Border Waters & More

As we swing into the opening of the South Dakota/Minnesota border waters, the anticipation of the first walleye opener of the season is intense but don’t let your enthusiasm get the best of you…. wait if you can. Most of the border openers are tough. Think about this past April. We had the worst April weather in decades as far as inconsistent temperatures. We had plenty of l8 degree nights with some days barely getting into the 20’s. My advice: If at all possible, give Big Stone and Traverse about two weeks to warm up and the fishing will start to take off. Keep in mind the clear water phenomenon that has been happening on these waters as well. The water has turned so gin clear that the days of the decent daytime “bites” are few and far between. The action the past few years has been very predictable….. the first hour of evening darkness and the first hour at sunrise…that’s about it.

Missouri River

My last run to the Missouri River recently was a tough one. My party actually hit the post-spawn walleye phase instead of the spawn phase meaning the walleyes had finished their spawn and dispersed into their early summer haunts. My trip previously was excellent as the walleyes were congregated along their spawning shorelines and easy to catch. We managed a walleye here and there and basically packed up and left for home early. This early Spring fishing is always a “timing” thing. Believe it or not, the water temperature was 42 degrees this last trip as compared to 47 a couple of weeks ago. The water actually has cooled off instead of warmed up. Lake Sharpe which is the next body of water just north of Lake Francis Case is really the place to be in late April and early May. This section of the Missouri River gets very little pressure in the south regions as compared to the northern regions near Pierre. For those looking to catch a ton of unpressured walleyes this Spring, head to Lake Sharpe. Many Minnesota anglers wishing to escape the crowds of the Minnesota Opener sneak over to Sharpe and have very few people to deal with and lots of hungry, roaming walleyes… think about it as an alternative this Opener.
Swing Tongue

Swing Tongue Trailer

This is the first boat trailer I have ever owned with a swing tongue. This little device actually tucks the tongue portion of your trailer to the inside of the frame to allow extra clearance in your garage. Better yet, I don’t slam my shins into the receiver any more now that it is tucked away. I bet I smack my shins a dozen times every season trying to step over the tongue. Many dealers can add swing tongues as an aftermarket feature on most trailers…..just another thing I just got to have !
Minnesota Opener

I still am holding off on any decisions on where to open the season. My clients are getting impatient with me because I just don’t feel comfortable making a decision until the last possible days. This April weather has me concerned because it has affected the South Dakota fishing and what happens there usually follows here in Minnesota. In a nutshell, you can bet my lake choice will be very shallow, windswept and dark water versus the large, clear lakes. I don’t see the water temperatures anywhere near the acceptable range when May 12 arrives.